Recap of Services
We served the following communities with our monthly Second Harvest Food Pantry:
- The Plymouth
- Tranquil Terrace
Some of our community partners were able to participate and offer additional resources during the scheduled food pantry event.
Recurring Monthly Activities:
- Nutrition Class
- Wellness Wednesday
- Fresh Stop Bus Events
- FREE Lunch Events sponsored by partners
Partner Events/News
St John Lutheran Church:
- Garden Revamp at Meadows & Tranquil
P3 Medical & Lifecare Therapy:
- Flu & Pneumonia Shots for Winter Park Oaks. Railroad Avenue was postponed due to Hurricane Ian.
Affordable Concierge:
- Offering affordable concierge services for residents at a rate of $19.00/hour to clean, organize, run errands, etc.
New Partner Meetings:
- Florida Advisors & Center Well, Aetna Rep & CanoHealth
Upcoming Events
- Community Partners to host ice cream social events & more!
- Thanksgiving Registration with St. Margaret Mary for Thanksgiving Store
Quote for the Month
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them. - John F. Kennedy
WPHA Community Appreciation Breakfast
At the Community Appreciation Breakfast Tuesday, September 20th, we took the time to acknowledge our resident volunteers and community partners for their commitment and support to WPHA.
We acknowledged 12 Resident Volunteers and 15 Community Partner Agencies with breakfast, certificates, awards, and an outpouring of appreciation for all that they do for WPHA & our families.
The certificates presented read:
Thank you for leaving your positive handprints!
WPHA Community Partner - You are appreciated in so many ways!
We succeed because of great people like YOU! Hand in Hand, we share in this journey of service to others. Your dedication to meeting the needs of others is valued and appreciated.
Every phone call, email, coordinated support, community event, and more highlights your talents and skills that make you a great match for our team and residents.
So, THANK YOU for being YOU! May this pin remind you daily that, hand in hand, we as a team accomplish much!
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi.