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February 2025 Newsletter

Housing Authority of the City of Winter Park Logo.

Inside this Issue

  • Valentine' Day Bingo and American Heart Month at Tranquil Terrace
  • Ross Program Resident Initiatives
  • Black History Month Events

February is American Heart Month. Take Care of Your Heart.

Lady sitting at a table with Bingo cards attached to a blood pressure monitor. Two ladies next to each other.

WPHA hosted a Valentine's Bingo event at Tranquil Terrace on February 13th, celebrating both Valentines Day and Heart Health Month. Residents enjoyed bingo, prizes, music and snacks. Life Care Therapy and HPG provided blood pressure checks and health tips. Fun was had by all!

ROSS Program Fun Drawing

Valentines day giveaway. Prizes for the Valentines giveaway.

The Meadows at Margaret Square Valentine's Day Drawing

On February 14th the Ross Program had a Valentine's Drawing for 2 baskets filled with household items, including laundry detergent, soap, towels, kitchen utensils and much more. Residents were asked to complete an interest survey for the Ross Program. All survey participants were entered into the drawing. There were 47 entries. Two grateful winners were chosen! The surveys were an effective way to generate interest in the Ross Program and residents received needed household items.

Two ladies, one a winner of the valentines giveaway. Winner of one of the Valentines giveaway.

The ROSS Program

In the month of February, the Ross Program assisted 4 residents in obtaining furniture, 22 residents accessed the food pantry, and 7 residents received medical resources. We also assisted in handing out 60 prepared lunches. This was accomplished through our partnerships with The Mustard Seed, Second Harvest Food Bank, St. John Lutheran, Life Care Therapy and HPG.

Two hands holding a heart with the text Black History Month.

WPHA and St. John Lutheran host a lunch at The Meadows in honor of Black History Month

Lady standing outside by some bundles of balloons and a display of items for 2025. Three people standing behind a table stacked with containers. A couple people by the table with food while another person collects their lunch.

WPHA and Second Harvest Food Bank provided food pantry for Tranquil Terrace Residents. In honor of Black History Month there was lively music, dancing, and group discussion on family and heritage.

Bunch of balloons attached to a sign with the text - Tranquil Terrace February Food Pantry. Today we honor Black History Month. lady behind a table and in front of shelves covered with items in the food pantry. Residents getting items from the food bank. Bunch of balloons attached to a sign with the text - Tranquil Terrace February Food Pantry. Today we honor Black History Month.

February has been an exciting month for the WPHA! We welcome Self Help Credit Union as a new partner!

Pamela Pinder, Ross Coordinator
407.663.8404 Ext. 203