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September 10, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Winter Park Housing Authority Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
8:00 A.M

Tranquil Terrace Community Center
845 W. Swoope Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32789

Commissioners Present: Board Chair Hal George, Vice-Chair Kenneth Goodwin, Commissioner Nancy Lewis, Commissioner Bob Klettner, Commissioner Karen Jacobs, Commissioner Courtney Bugia, and Commissioner Elaine Clark (arrived at 9:05am)
WPHA Staff Present: Tarena Grant, Interim Executive Director, Melissa Martinez, Director of Finance and Sherry Sutphen, Attorney.
WPHA Staff Virtual: Amaris Hunt, Executive Assistant
NDC Staff Present: James Allen
NDC Staff Virtual: Rick Elwood and Cindy Wilson, Regional Manager (Joined at 8:14AM)

  1. Call to Order
    Chair George called the meeting to order at 8:09 A.M. He motioned to amend the order of the agenda to move the Executive Director position discussion to the end of the meeting. Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approve, and Commissioner Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.

  2. Public Comment - There were none

  3. Consent Items
    1. Approval of Minutes - July 15, 2024
      Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approve the July 15, 2024, minutes. Commissioner Klettner provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
    2. Approval of Minutes - August 13, 2024
      Commissioner Bugia motioned to approve the August 13, 2024, minutes. Commissioner Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.

  4. Action Items
    1. Approval of Resolutions -
      1. Resolution 09102024-A - Approval of Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
        Interim Executive Director Grant opened the floor to Mr. Allen to give an insight on the budget being presented to the board. Mr. Allen explained how the budget was created and gave a brief explanation on how capital projects and unused funds from the current fiscal year fit into the budget.

        Chair George asked Director of Finance, Ms. Martinez, for her feedback. She spoke briefly to the capital needs funding at Tuscany at Aloma and The Plymouth. Interim Executive Director Grant supported this with a brief overview of capital needs projects at all 6 properties and potential funding. Some of which being unit repairs at Tuscany at Aloma and elevator modernization at The Plymouth. Chair George suggested grant funding may be available as well. Commissioner Klettner asked for clarification on the elevator modernization project, as to which Mr. Allen gave some insight on the costs, expressing that true costs would be available after quotes and a capital needs assessment is completed. Commissioner Klettner requested a timeline for such reports, as to which Interim Executive Director Grant confirmed she would provide upon their receipt to the board.

        Without further discussion, Commissioner Klettner motioned to approve the resolution and Commissioner Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.

      2. Discussion of Board Meeting Schedule & Time
        There was a brief discussion on whether changing the board meeting day/time would be feasible to allow for better attendance of NDC staff and WPHA Commissioners. After much discussion, it was agreed that going forward meetings would be moved to Thursdays, with the next meeting being scheduled for October 3rd at 12pm, as well as all meetings to follow until further notice is given.

  5. Executive Director Discussion and/or Direction
    1. NDC Contract Review
      Interim Executive Director Grant shared that the agreement with NDC is set to expire, and all parties have agreed to continuing their working partnership. She expressed that there are still some areas of concern that she is actively working with NDC on and will give more insight at a later time.

      She went on to discuss that she'd discovered the information for the Tranquil Terrace Resident Association bank account was dated and she is in the process of figuring out what to do with the current funds in the account, as there is not an active resident association at this time. The board shared a couple suggestions on how to expend the funds and close the account. Mrs. Grant agreed to look into the use for these funds.

      Lastly, Mrs. Grant expressed that she will be meeting with Nan McKay to update the ACOP policy in October to ensure the agency's ACOP is reflective of the changes HUD is implementing.

  6. WPHA Reports
    1. ROSS Report
      Mrs. Grant explained that for the month of August we continued with our reoccurring monthly property events. In addition to those services, we held various community events for The Plymouth, The Meadows, and Tranquil terrace. Additional resident engagement consisted of rock painting class, Verizon Home Internet sessions and UCF Healthy Living Meet and Greet.

      Lastly, Mrs. Grant notes that a new partnership was established with UCF Health & Science Department for their healthy living initiative that will educate our residents on health and wellness resources. In addition, she highlighted St. John Lutheran for sponsoring our Tranquil Terrace Farmer's Market trip.

  7. NDC Reports
    1. Property Overview

      Mr. Allen gave a brief explanation of current losses to date. He expressed a need to access the replacement reserve funds. He went on to discuss the remediation project at Tuscany at Aloma and the need for a soffit repair to ventilate the attic spaces. Chair George gave suggestions on the project without pulling the soffit completely out and asked that the previous contractor be contacted to possibly help ratify the issue.

    2. Financials
      Mr. Allen explained the vacancies at all properties and a discussion ensued about the marketing of the units. A few suggestions were given to help better market units with the resources currently available to the agency, such as use of social media and the agency's website to share availability. The conversation then shifted to affordability in today's market.

      Interim Executive Director Grant gave an update on the NDC and WPHA meeting that took place after the last board meeting, stating that progress is being made. Director of finance, Ms. Martinez, said she is hopeful that August financials will reflect the changes discussed.

  8. Temporary Adjournment
    There being no further discussion or business to come before the board, the meeting was temporarily adjourned at 9:30am to dismiss all WPHA and NDC staff from the meeting. The remainder of the meeting will only have the WPHA and Attorney Sutphen present.

  9. Discussion and/or direction related to the Executive Director position candidates
    9:30 am - The meeting reconvened with Hal George leading the discussion regarding Executive Director position.
    Mr. George explained that negotiations with Michael Dineen were unsuccessful and that there are basically 3 options for moving forward.

    1. Conduct a new search;
    2. Bring in Dr. Catherine Lamberg for a second interview; or
    3. Offer the position to Tarena Grant

    Mr. George offered that in his opinion the position should be offered to Ms. Grant. He suggested paying her $85,000 annually with a review in 6 months to allow for an increase of up to $5,000 annually. She would have her regular annual review 6 months later and then annually thereafter.

    Mr. George also offered that with this opportunity Ms. Grant would now have full authority to manage employees, shift positions and made decisions/recommendations regarding NDC.

    Discussion was had by all Commissioners with agreement related to offering the position to Tarena Grant under the suggested terms.

    Discussion was also had by all Commissioners regarding the Ross Coordinator position and the fact that Ms. Grant would need to hire someone to perform those duties.

    Chairman George made a Motion to offer the position to Tarena Grant with an annual salary of $85,000, a review in 6 months to allow for an increase of up to $5,000 annually, and she would have her regular annual review 6 months later and then annually thereafter.

    The Motion was seconded by Karen Jacobs. The Motion passed unanimously.
  1. Commissioner Reports
    9:45am - Bob Klettner made a motion to adjourn, and Karen Jacobs seconded - the motion passed unanimously.

  2. Adjournment

    There were no commissioner's reports given

Respectfully Submitted,
Hal George, Board Chair
Tarena Grant, Interim Executive Director