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December 5, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Thursday, December 5, 2024
12:00 PM
Tranquil Terrace Community Center
845 W. Swoope Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32789

Commissioners Present: Board Chair Hal George, Vice-Chair Kenneth Goodwin, Commissioner Bob Klettner, Commissioner Courtney Bugia, Commissioner Elaine Clark, and Commissioner Nancy Lewis

WPHA Staff Present: Tarena Grant, Executive Director; Melissa Martinez, Director of Finance; Pamela Pinder, Resident Service Coordinator; and & Sherry Sutphen, Attorney

NDC Staff Present: James Allen and Cindy Wilson

  1. Call to Order
    Chair George called the meeting to order at 12:06 P.M.

  2. Public Comment - There were none
  3. Consent Items
    1. Approval of Minutes - November 7, 2024
      Commissioner Klettner motioned to approve the November 7, 2024, minutes. Commissioner Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.

  4. Action Items -
    1. Adoption of the revised Winter Park Housing Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP)
      Executive Director Grant gave a summary of the changes to the revised Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy with the implementation of the new HOTMA rule and explanation of it governance for our Public Housing Communities. Commissioner Klettner motioned to approve the revised ACOP Policy. Commissioner Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
    2. Authorization for Executive Director to execute agreement with Action Tent Fumigation & Pest Control
      Review, discussion, and approval to execute agreement with Action Tent Fumigation & Pest Control for termite fumigation at the Meadows at Margaret Square in the amount of
      $100,000.00. Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approve the authorization for the Executive Director to execute the agreement. Commissioner Clark provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
    3. Amendments to Legal Service Agreement.
      Review, discussion and approval for amendments for Legal Services between WPHA and Roper Townsend, Sutphen; Saxon Gilmore; and Shepard, Smith, Hand, and Brackins. Commissioner Klettner motioned to approve Amendment I for Legal Service Agreements. Commissioner Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously

  5. Executive Director Discussion and/or Direction
    1. WPHA Agency Updates
      Executive Director Grant gave a brief update on agency end of the year matters such as HUD compliance updates, FDS Closing, Management Matters, and preparation for 2025 agency plans, goals and upcoming projects.
      Elevator discussion and updates for The Plymouth with plans for modernization shared by Mr. Allen on NDC handling this matter and obtaining quotes for work by others provided by Schindler.

  6. WPHA Reports
    1. ROSS Report
      Mrs. Grant led this conversation with an introduction of our new Resident Service Coordinator, Mrs. Pamela Pinder. Mrs. Pinder then shared briefly her background and excitement for being apart of the WPHA Executive Team and serving in this space.
      Mrs. Grant explained that for the month of November we continued with our reoccurring monthly property events. In addition to those services, she highlighted Plymouth's Farewell Celebration on the Wellness Program with UCF, Thanksgiving Community Support with Dawkins Outreach, St. Margaret Mary Thanksgiving & Christmas Stores, Basket Brigade and other community partners.
      Lastly, she noted the upcoming events for the month of December across all properties highlighting our community engagement for our agency Christmas Holiday events. There was no further discussion.

  7. NDC Reports
    1. Property Overview
      Ms. Wilson began her property overview updates starting with unit occupancy status and updates. She then continued by going over current specific property matters & project updates. Additional discussion and suggestions were shared by the Board on collaboration with WPHA on marketing strategies and community resources to assist them.
    2. Financials
      Mr. Allen explained that the month of October financials were good, and their team is still working with Executive Director Grant and Ms. Martinez to get things organized and wrap up the year end. There was no further discussion.

  8. Commissioner Reports
    1. Commissioner Klettner
      Commissioner Klettner shared Affordable Housing Institute would like to make a presentation to the Board on Tuscany and The Plymouth for future partnership at our next Board Meeting.
    2. Board Chairman George
      Board Chairman shared a few follow up matters and the opportunity for WPHA to introduce its new Executive Director at the City Commission meeting on December 11th all board members were invited attend as we will be at the beginning of the meeting agenda.

  9. Adjournment
    There being no further discussion or business to come before the board. Commissioner Jacobs motioned to adjourn at 1:33pm. Commissioner Goodwin provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hal George, Board Chair
Tarena Grant, Executive Director