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November 7, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Thursday, November 7, 2024 12:00 PM
Tranquil Terrace Community Center
845 W. Swoope Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32789

Commissioners Present: Board Chair Hal George, Vice-Chair Kenneth Goodwin, Commissioner Bob Klettner, Commissioner Courtney Bugia, Commissioner Elaine Clark, and Commissioner Nancy Lewis
WPHA Staff Present: Tarena Grant, Interim Executive Director, Amaris Hunt, Executive Assistant, and Melissa Martinez, Director of Finance
NDC Staff Present: Rick Elwood and Cindy Wilson

  1. Call to Order
    Chair George called the meeting to order at 12:04 PM

  2. Public Comment - There were none

  3. Consent Items
    1. Approval of Minutes - November 7, 2024
      Commissioner Klettner motioned to approve the October 3, 2024, minutes. Commissioner Bugia provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.

  4. Action Items -
    1. NDC Management Contract Amendment
      Executive Director Grant gave a summary of the changes to the Amendment of our Management Agreement. Both parties, NDC Asset Management & WPHA stated agreement to the terms as outlined. Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approve the NDC Management Contract Amendment. Commissioner Bugia provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.

    2. Executive Director Contract Signing
      Review, discussion, and execution of the Executive Director Contract. Commissioner Klettner motioned to approve the Executive Director Contract. Commissioner Bugia provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.

      Motion Made:
      Commissioner Jacobs motioned to add Resolution 11072024-A: Approval of Corrective Action Plan for Audit Findings to the agenda for discussion. Commissioner Clark provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.

    3. Approval of Resolution 11072024-A: Approval of Winter Park Housing Authority Corrective Action Plan for Fiscal Year End 2023 Audit Findings.
      Executive Director Grant led the review of our FYE 2023 Audit Corrective Action Plan and explained the actionable steps put into place to support the correction of those audit findings. An additional discussion was held on our contract management for the agency and clarification on methods used to support agency services and expectations for FYE 2024 Audit. Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approve Resolution 11072024-A for FYE 2023 Corrective Action Plan. Commissioner Bugia provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously

  5. Executive Director Discussion and/or Direction
    1. WPHA Agency Updates
      Executive Director Grant gave a brief update on agency matters such as the completion of Physical Needs Assessments (PNA) reports for all sites; completion of our ACOP Policy Update for Public Housing, Damages from Hurricane Milton, and selection of our new Resident Service Coordinator.

  6. WPHA Reports
    1. ROSS Report
      Mrs. Grant explained that for the month of October we continued with our reoccurring monthly property events. In addition to those services, she highlighted K3 Medical Free Memory Screenings at Winter Park Oaks, receipt and expression of thanks for the furniture donation from Commissioner Clark to support residents at The Plymouth.

      Lastly, she noted the upcoming events for the month of November across all properties highlighting our community engagement for the Thanksgiving Holiday. There was no further discussion.

  7. NDC Reports
    1. Property Overview

      Ms. Wilson began her property overview updates starting with Elevator 2 over at Plymouth, discussing elevator repair needs and sharing the quote obtained for Elevator Modernization by Schindler. Discussed on the elevators continued resulting in several motions being made.

      Motion(s) Made:
      Commissioner Jacobs motioned to add Schindler Elevator Quote to the Agenda: Approval of Quote provided for Elevator Modernization at Plymouth. Commissioner Klettner provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.

      Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approval the Schindler Elevator Modernization at Plymouth in the amount of $550,114.00 while obtaining quotes for the Work by Others to be provided at the next board meeting (December 5, 2024) by NDC. Commissioner Clarke provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.

      Further discussion continued Capital Expense Projects, such as: Tuscany Ventilation Project with execution of contract and commencement of work in two weeks; Winter Park Oaks/Railroad Ave. Office Remediation completed; Meadows Fumigation Project solidified discount rate for Homewood Suites to support family relocation services.

      Commissioners inquired on unit vacancies across the agency specific to Railroad Ave. and Tuscany at Aloma, use of temporary housing units and rental concessions. Followed by discussion on resident and management relationship, eviction updates, and Tuscany unit availability and leasing processes.

    2. Financials
      Mr. Allen explained that the month of September financials were good, and their team is still working with Executive Director Grant and Ms. Martinez to get things organized and wrap up the year end. Expressed that agency financials aligned closely with budget projections. There was no further discussion.

  8. Commissioner Reports
    1. Commissioner Jacobs
      Commissioner Jacobs inquired on this year's board participation in the annual Adopt-a-Family Holiday Gift Assistance Program. Executive Director Grant supported with details for participation.

    2. Commissioner's Training
      Executive Director Grant shared with the board an upcoming virtual commissioner's training offered by Saxon & Gilmore on Monday, November 25th from 10:00am-3:00pm focused on conflicts of interesting, role as a commissioner, Sunshine Law, and more.

  9. Adjournment
    There being no further discussion or business to come before the board. Commissioner Jacobs motioned to adjourn at 1:28pm. Commissioner Goodwin provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
Hal George, Board Chair Tarena Grant, Executive Director