January 9, 2025 Meeting Minutes
Commissioners Present: Board Chair Hal George, Commissioner Karen Jacobs, Commissioner Bob Klettner, Commissioner Courtney Bugia, Commissioner Elaine Clark, and Commissioner Nancy Lewis
Commissioners Virtual: Vice-Chair Kenneth Goodwin
WPHA Staff Present: Tarena Grant -Executive Director, Melissa Martinez -Director of Finance, and Pamela Pinder - ROSS Coordinator, and Attorney, Sherry Sutphen
NOC Staff Present: Rick Elwood, James Allen, and Cindy Wilson
- Call to Order
Chair George called the meeting to order at 10:59 A.M. - Public Comment - There were none
- Consent Items
- Approval of Minutes -December 5, 2024
Commissioner Klettner motioned to approve the December 5, 2024, meeting minutes.
Commissioner Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Approval of Minutes -December 5, 2024
- Action Items -
- Amendment 1 Between WPHA & SemTech IT Solutions
Executive Director Grant gave a summary of the Amendment of our Information Technology Agreement with SemTech and stated amendment terms as outlined. Commissioner Klettner motioned to approve Amendment 1 between WPHA & SemTech. Commissioner Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Amendment 1 Between WPHA & SemTech IT Solutions
- Executive Director Discussion and/or Direction
- WPHA 2025 Goals & Expectations
Executive Director Grant provided and discussed the goals and expectations for the agency for the year 2025. She concluded the discussion by stating she looks forward to moving the agency forward with collaborations between the WPHA Executive Team and Management Team & Staff.
- WPHA 2025 Goals & Expectations
- WPHA Reports
- ROSS Report
Mrs. Pinder explained that for the month of December we continued with our reoccurring monthly property events. In addition to those services, she highlighted a very busy December for the agency and our residents; noting the annual Adopt-a-Family Holiday Program, a Merry Meadows Christmas, and Jolly Holiday Luncheon for Tranquil Terrace. She acknowledges the support of our various community partners and Board of Commissioners for their support is filling the Holiday Season with joy.
Lastly, she noted the upcoming events and preplanning for the new year. There was no further discussion. - Financial Report
Ms. Martinez shared with the board our financials for the month of November. She reviewed the Month End and Year to Date comparison, also noting areas of variances. Discussion was had on financial processes and ensuring timeliness of reports from NDC to WPHA for a full review in preparation for the board meetings. Commissioner Klettner requested a consolidated balance sheet in support of current financial reports provided.
- ROSS Report
- NDC Reports
- Property Overview
Ms. Wilson began her property overview updates starting with unit vacancies and updates with their new applicant processes across the portfolio. She then proceeded to discuss updates on property specific matters primarily at The Meadows, Plymouth, and Tuscany at Aloma. Several Commissioners presented resident concerns heard from The Plymouth and Tuscany at Aloma: making recommendations to ensure clear communication, updates, and resident engagement on matters at each community.
- Property Overview
- Commissioner Reports
- Commissioner Goodwin
Commissioner Goodwin shared an opportunity with the board, Key Claims Consultants. Mr. Goodwin had the opportunity to engage with the team at the PHADA Conference and wanted to share information on how they can potentially support WPHA with damages as a result of Hurricane Milton. He is communicating with ED Grant to provide the board with information on Key Claims Consultants for review and consideration. Further direction was provided upon granting the extension request. - Commissioner Lewis
Commissioner Lewis expressed her willingness to support the agency however needed and wished a great new year to all. - Commissioner Klettner
Commissioner Klettner inquired on the follow up of the presentation to the board by Bob Harnett & Wayne Rich for Affordable Housing Institute. Chair George confirmed they will be attending our February meeting and are allotted 15 minutes to present to the board.
- Commissioner Goodwin
- Adjournment
There being no further discussion or business to come before the board. Commissioner Jacobs motioned to adjourn at 12:45pm. Commissioner Clark provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hal George, Board Chair
Tarena Grant, Executive Director