February 6, 2025 Meeting Minutes
Commissioners Present: Board Chair Hal George, Vice-Chair Kenneth Goodwin, Commissioner Karen Jacobs, Commissioner Bob Klettner, Commissioner Courtney Bugia, and Commissioner Nancy Lewis
Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Elaine Clark
WPHA Staff Present: Tarena Grant, Executive Director, Melissa Martinez, Director of Finance, and Pamela Pinder, ROSS Coordinator, and Attorney, Sherry Sutphen
NOC Staff Present: Rick Elwood and Cindy Wilson
Guest: Wayne Rich and Bob Harnett of Affordable Housing Institute, lnddia Donastorg and Mark Glover of Keys Claims Consultants, and two Tranquil Terrace Residents
- Call to Order
Chair George called the meeting to order at 11 :59 A.M. - Consent Items
- Approval of Minutes - January 9, 2025
Commissioner Klettner motioned to approve the January 9, 2025, meeting minutes.
Commissioner Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Approval of Minutes - January 9, 2025
- Public Comment - Affordable Housing Institute Presentation - Wayne Rich & Bob Harnett Representatives, Wayne Rich & Bob Harnett presented background information on their organization Senior First Housing of the Affordable Housing Institute with their expressed interest in redevelopment of our senior communities - The Plymouth and Tranquil Terrace; even consideration of Tuscany at Aloma. To support their full proposal of services, authorization to obtain financial documents were requested. Motion was made by Commissioner Klettner to provide Affordable Housing Institute with financial documents to support their proposal for services. Commissioner Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
- IV. Action Items -
- Discussion & Direction on Keys Claims Consultant Agreement in support of Hurricane Milton damages to WPHA Communities.
Mark Glover of Keys Claims Consultants spoke to the board about their service support for our agency with Hurricane Milton damages. The Keys Claims Team answered various questions on their services and terms of conditions within their contract agreements. Further direction was given to Attorney -Sutphen to assist with legal support on agreements and terms of the Keys Claims Contract for services, should WPHA decide to proceed with the Keys Claims Team. - Approval of Federally Funded Sub-award and Grant Agreement, Agreement Number Z3726, for DR-4673 - Hurricane Ian, with the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, through the Florida Division of Emergency Management, and authorization for the Chairman to execute the Agreement and any and all documents associated therewith as required for the grand award.
Motion was made by Commissioner Klettner for the approval and authorization to execute the Subgrant Agreement Number 23726 for DR-4673- Hurricane Ian. Commissioner Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously. - Approval of Federally Funded Sub-award and Grant Agreement, Agreement Number Z4663, for DR-4834 - Hurricane Milton, with the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, through the Florida Division of Emergency Management, and authorization for the Chairman to execute the Agreement and any and all documents associated therewith as required for the grand award.
Motion was made by Commissioner Klettner for the approval and authorization to execute the Subgrant Agreement Number Z4663 for DR-4834- Hurricane Ian. Commissioner Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Discussion & Direction on Keys Claims Consultant Agreement in support of Hurricane Milton damages to WPHA Communities.
- Executive Director Discussion and/or Direction
- Agency Updates
Executive Director Grant provided and discussed agency updates on the Plymouth Elevator Modernization Scheduling, Fiscal Year End 2024 Audit currently in progress, and upcoming Anniversary Celebration for WPHA.
- Agency Updates
- WPHA Reports
- ROSS Report
Mrs. Pinder explained that for the month of February we continued with our reoccurring monthly property events. In addition to those services, she highlighted our partnership with the Mustard Seed of Central Florida, Rollins College Photography Sessions, agency donations and ROSS Program highlights of coordinated supportive services. Lastly, she noted the upcoming events for next month. There was no further discussion. - Financial Report
Ms. Martinez shared with the board our financials for the month of December. She reviewed the Month End and Year to Date comparison, also noting areas of variances. Discussion was had on financial processes and ensuring timeliness of reports from NDC to WPHA for a full review in preparation for the board meetings. Further discussion was had on Fee Accountant Services and seeking a new representative for the agency.
- ROSS Report
- NDC Reports
- Property Overview
Ms. Wilson began her property overview updates starting with discussing project updates with Termite Fumigation at The Meadows and Wall Damages at Tuscany at Aloma and continuing the next round of unit availability and remediation for Tuscany at Aloma. Commissioner Klettner requested a follow up on the revised property overview to compare current and previous numbers for the properties.
- Property Overview
- Commissioner Reports
- Commissioner Goodwin
Commissioner Goodwin shared an opportunity with the board his account on attending the PHADA Commissioners Conference in Miami.
- Commissioner Goodwin
- Adjournment
There being no further discussion or business to come before the board. Commissioner Jacobs motioned to adjourn at 1:45pm. Commissioner Klettner provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hal George, Board Chair
Tarena Grant, Executive Director