August 1, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes
Winter Park Housing Authority Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, August 1, 2023
9:00 A.M.
Tranquil Terrace
845 Swoope Ave.
Winter Park, FL 32789
Commissioners Present: Board Chair; Hal George, Vice-Chair; Kenneth Goodwin, Commissioner Tammie Holiday, Commissioner Karen Jacobs, and Commissioner Kevin O'Rawe.
Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Joe Regner,
Commissioners Virtual: Commissioner Dawn Ofodile
Staff Present: Lashanda Lovette, Executive Director and Amaris Hunt, Executive Assistant
Call to Order
Chair George called the meeting to order at 9:01 AM and announced a quorum.
- Public Comment
There was no public comment bought to the board. - Consent Items
There were no consent items. - Actions Items
- Discussions and/or Direction
- Management Company Transition
- Executive Director Lovette explained the meeting was called to discuss a request she received via email from NDC Friday evening. NDC has requested that we increase their management fee from 5% to 5.5% because of the compliance portion of the services they will soon be offering us. Currently the compliance portion is a site fee, but in transitioning that becomes a part of the management fee. To balance out the cost, this is their request, which totals about $37k more. Chair George asked what the salary for the compliance position is. Executive Director Lovette confirmed it is roughly $60k. She went on to explain that NDC is in negotiations concerning the indemnification, as they would like to completely remove the indemnification clause. Our legal team was quickly pulled in and explained to NDC that they agreed to this language during the RFP process. They are currently wanting to have a discussion with our legal team and their insurance company to try to come to an agreeable language. Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approve the third-party management agreement between winter park housing authority and n d c asset management to be effective September 1st, 2023, with the understanding that our attorney is still working with n d c regarding requested changes to the indemnification clause. and if we are unable to negotiate an acceptable revision by the budget meeting, our legal counsel and staff are directed to then negotiate with the next vote. Commissioner Ofodile asked for clarification for if this was unique to this company or if we'd dealt with similar issues in previous management company negotiations. Chair George clarified that in previous negotiations, the indemnifications were not in our favor. Therefore, we've pulled in legal counsel to revise this clause, so that we don't make the same mistakes again. Chair George referred to the motion on the floor and asked for a second. Commissioner O'Rawe provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Switching Financial Institutions
- Executive Director Lovette explained that we have received five (5) proposals thus far from Valley Bank, Winter Park National Bank, Seacoast Bank, TD Bank and Cogent Bank. She went on to explain that an evaluation team has been put together that consists of herself, Amaris Hunt, Melissa Martinez, and Dawn Ofodile. She expects to have a recommendation at the board meeting on August 21st, 2023.
- WPD Investigation Status
- Forensic Investigation Update
- Executive Director Lovette explained that we have successfully executed our engagement letter and will begin the forensic investigation starting August 14th. Commissioner Jacobs asked for clarification as to what company we moved forward with. Executive Director Lovette confirmed it is North South Law Group, who was recommended by Gilmore. She will update the board as information is received. There were no further questions.
- Management Company Transition
- Discussions and/or Direction
- Commissioner's Report
- Commissioner Ofodile shared that this previous week was back to school. The Vystar team helped pack backpacks. She was happy to be able to reach out to so many residents and cannot wait for the next project they can partner with.
- Adjournment -
- With there being no further business to come before the board, Chair George called for adjournment at 9:36 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Hal George, Board Chair
Lashanda Lovette, Executive Director
2023 Minutes
August 1, 2023, Board Meeting MinutesAugust 21, 2023, Board Meeting MinutesDecember 12, 2023 Board Meeting MinutesJuly 11, 2023, Board Meeting MinutesJune 19, 2023, Board meeting MinutesNovember 14, 2023, Board Meeting MinutesOctober 10, 2023, Board Meeting MinutesSeptember 19, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes