30 Powerful Personal Benefits of Volunteering in Your Community
So you've heard that you should volunteer some of your time but haven't quite gotten around to doing it. Understandably, it can be tough to find the extra time if you work one or more jobs, go to school, have family obligations, and try to squeeze in some important you-time, too.
If your schedule is crunched, look for ways to combine some of your other activities with community service. For example, do it with a friend or family member you want to spend time with or look for volunteer opportunities that give you college credit.
Volunteering isn't just an investment in your community and in other people; it's also an investment in yourself. Obviously, when you contribute your time and enthusiasm to a cause, you provide great benefits to others. But don't overlook the many personal benefits of getting involved in community service - there's nothing wrong with wanting your efforts to pay off personally as well.
Why Volunteer: Personal Benefits
Here are just some of the major advantages of taking part in community service:
- Learn practical new skills and improve your existing ones
- Enhance critical thinking and problem-solving abilities
- Boost your communication skills
- Build leadership and teamwork skills
- Gain insights into your own strengths and weaknesses
- Develop new interests and passions
- Meet new people with similar interests
- Make meaningful new friendships
- Connect with professionals who may have opportunities for you now or in the future
- Build your resume with valuable experience and proof of character
- Build your college and/or scholarship applications in similar ways
- Discover an unexpected career path
- Enjoy a change of scene
- Get some additional physical activity
- Become more stimulated and engaged with life
- Reduce your stress levels
- Improve your mood, outlook, and general satisfaction
- Feel pride and boost your self-esteem for doing some good
- Experience a powerful sense of purpose
- Find creative inspiration
- Further causes you believe in
- Encourage your own sense of social responsibility and social justice
- Become a more informed voter and activist
- Expose yourself to different people from different walks of life
- See past stereotypes about other groups through firsthand experience
- Build a more well-rounded perspective on life and issues
- Gain genuine, well-deserved admiration while setting a positive example
- Fulfill community service requirements for school
- Get your friends and family involved and watch them enjoy similar benefits
- Live in a healthier, happier, more supportive, and united community
Need some ideas and inspiration for how to start contributing to your community and experiencing these amazing benefits of volunteering?
Click here to check out our article on some ways to get involved in community service!